Feeling good

After days of sorting, I finally found some time to enjoy the new setup for gaming. Spent some time setting up and then cruising around using the wheel. The seating setup is not 100% there but it worked well enough. Everything is in easy reach so I can more easily jump in going forward. The switch is also set up in there too (had to dust it off it has been so long) so I'll be diving make into some Nintendo gaming too. A nice chill room is just what I needed, I think. This may not seem like much,…

Making progress after a small setback

Sadly, after having a good couple of days my mind decided, it was time to plunge back down again. It is so frustrating. I did manage to progress on things I planned to but not as fast as I want so I will take that as a small victory. I do feel like I am coping better with these troughs though. Not perfectly but at least managing them. I even managed to keep up my walking schedule. Fitbit, however, has informed me today that I am overtraining. Seems a little shocking to me but it is an indicator of how…

Better times?

I am probably tempting fate here but these last few days I have been feeling surprisingly good mentally. I am making steps to maintain this. I've started a "diet" so to speak. I am mostly focussing on calorie control at the moment. I will be incorporating more exercise (to take me from my near non existent exercise) so I hope that will also boost me. I'm also finding that I can be more sociable without feeling anxious. Or should I say, as anxious, I am still by no means an extrovert and never will be. However, getting back online and…