Frustrated but motivated

I just finished spending about 3 hours trying to get a ssh tunnel to work in Python but ran into so many issues with the host and my own network. I have the actual code I need, and the API connection details I want to use with the tunnel to the DB but for some reason I am running into roadblocks. For the sake of my sanity (and so that I don't spend all night working on it) I downed tools for the night. It wasn't a total loss though; I learned some new techniques that I can apply elsewhere.…

Syntax slip-ups and lame titles

The speculation about Newey leaving Red Bull became fact today. I only just yesterday posted about it and honestly didn't expect news either way for a while. I still don't know where he will go when he leaves but my bet is still on him going to Ferrari. I wonder when he will announce what he will be doing after he leaves? In other news, I finally started to use my knowledge of Python in a work setting. It is so much more beneficial to me to use the theory in a practical setting. It sinks into my brain better.…

Memory issues

For a while now I have been noticing that my short-term memory is terrible. I'm fairly sure it is due to medication and my, let's be honest, sedentary lifestyle. I can change the latter and I have annual leave coming up from work so I think I will use that as a starting point. There is not really a reason to wait until then, but I find it better to plan it out. I am more likely to stick to it then. As for the former, I am not sure if I can change it, but I am going to…