Overdue sorting

I am off work for a couple of days on leave so I thought it would be a good idea to sort out my workspaces a little. The areas started to make me feel a little claustrophobic. Too much clutter building up. After finding some suitable music (Ska being my weapon of choice) I got to work, and I have to say I am incredibly happy with the results so far. I still have my electronics and gaming area to tackle but my work and dev space is a lot better laid out. It is already giving me more motivation to get stuck into some outside of work dev.

There is still a fair bit of sorting to do on the electronics and tinkering workbench/shelves, but I will be tackling that tomorrow. I think I will have to be ruthless and get rid of some of my cables. You know, the “I might need these someday cables.” I won’t ever need them (I hope!) I will keep some, but I am sure I have at least 3 or 4 cables of the same type. I even have an old parallel printer cable… Oh, I also have an MS-DOS and 1541 Commodore Disk Drive books which I will not be getting rid of.

Once that area is sorted, the last area will be my gaming section which has a wheel and pedals that I need to set up in more space. Bit of rallying is on the cards in my future. Not sure if it will work well with Forza Horizon and Forza itself but I’ll have a bash.

For tonight though, I plan on relaxing for a bit. Recharge the mental batteries a little.

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