Overdue sorting

I am off work for a couple of days on leave so I thought it would be a good idea to sort out my workspaces a little. The areas started to make me feel a little claustrophobic. Too much clutter building up. After finding some suitable music (Ska being my weapon of choice) I got to work, and I have to say I am incredibly happy with the results so far. I still have my electronics and gaming area to tackle but my work and dev space is a lot better laid out. It is already giving me more motivation…

Making progress after a small setback

Sadly, after having a good couple of days my mind decided, it was time to plunge back down again. It is so frustrating. I did manage to progress on things I planned to but not as fast as I want so I will take that as a small victory. I do feel like I am coping better with these troughs though. Not perfectly but at least managing them. I even managed to keep up my walking schedule. Fitbit, however, has informed me today that I am overtraining. Seems a little shocking to me but it is an indicator of how…

I have emerged… again.

Wow it has been quite a long time since I posted. It is funny and a little disturbing how fast time can slip by. Do you ever get that what I think may be called decision paralysis? Not sure if that is the right term or even if it is a real term. However, the best way I can describe it is when you have some free time, and you want to make the most of it. You want to maximise the efficiency of the time and go through all the things you want to achieve only to get locked…